Flexibility at Workplace

As a result of demographic, technological and economic changes work organization practices have been changed globally. Workplace arrangement is one of the major things that has changed from time to time. Most companies are trying to arrange flexible work environments to retain the existing staff and attract new talents who are currently un-employing due to family responsibilities or other limitations.

Flexible work arrangements can be defined as ‘any policies, practices, formal or informal, which permit people to vary when and where work is carried out’ (Maxwell, Rankine, Bell & MacVicar 2006, p. 138-161).


Advantages of workplace flexibility

01.   Prioritize families

Most of the workers are expecting flexibility to address their personal and family needs like childcare, eldercare, schooling and healthcare. These needs may be planned or unplanned. 8-5 working schedule won’t be always fitted to the working parents. If there is a flexible workplace, the employee may have a chance to balance their family needs.

02.   Reduce stress

Most of the time traditional office working environment can be stressful. Heavy workload, long working hours, insufficient resting time, shift work and routine tasks create this stress. That may lead to mental health issues, burnout, and workplace conflicts and those will be affected the employee's performance. So that workplace flexibility is very important to reduce stress levels and give benefits to employees.

 03.   Health and wellness

A flexible workplace will save the employees time. So that employees can use that time to take care of themselves and do a task that they love to do. Exercise, Yoga and short-distance traveling will help to improve both employee's physical and mental health.

 04.   Increase motivation

By introducing a flexible working environment employers can communicate that they trust their employees. That will lead to improving office morale and employee loyalty.

 05.   Boost productivity

If employees feel valued, heard and taken care of they will automatically work hard and use their KAS to achieve organizational objectives.

How to arrange flexibility at workplace?

01.   Flexible working time

Flexible time means a working schedule with a flexible set of start and end hours. The traditional working schedule is from 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM. As human beings, employees also have a life and responsibility outside the office. Flexible time is a people-centric approach. By arranging flexible time schedule organization can reduce employees’ stress levels and fatigue since they are not under pressure to arrive office on time. Apart from that, this will improve work-life balance and employee engagement. Rather than considering the employee's in and out time it’s better to check whether they deliver the result on time.

02.   Remote working or telecommuting

Now, most companies are promoting remote work rather than physical working. Remote working gives employees the freedom to work from anywhere. (employee’s home, co-working or shared place, private office, or any other place outside the traditional corporate office) Gainey and Clenney (2006, 13-22) stated that telecommuting, which involves working from home using telecommuting technologies, has been instrumental in helping employees meet the many demands on their time. If the company needs to connect with their employee, it can connect with them by using technology. (ex – for meetings can use Teams or zoom app) The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this trend. Professionals like software engineers, accountants, teachers, consultants, and merchandizers can easily practice remote working methods.

 03.   Compressed workweeks

Compressed work hours don’t mean working less. Companies reallocate standard working hours into fewer working days. As a country, Finland is practicing this method. Here employees could work 04 days a week with additional hours per day. Likewise, an employee could work six days a week with less number of hours per day.

 04.   Job sharing

This is the practice of two different employees doing the task of one full-time position. Both parties work a part-time schedule but together they are accountable for one full-time position. When there are few part-time positions available, this method can be easily applied. But before starting this there should be a clear understanding of how these arrangements affect paying, benefits and holidays.

 05.   Shift Work

This method is mostly practiced in manufacturing environments to maximize productivity. If the company operates for 24 hours per 7 days this method can be applied. (Ex. Supermarket)  



Flexibility is kind of an exception, not a rule. Flexibility is very important for employee well-being and office workflows in equal measure. This is very essential for organizations to attract and retain skilled workers and build a productive organizational culture. On the other hand, organizations can use this flexible working environment as a competitive advantage when attracting talent. Nadeem and Henry (2003,32-49) stated that flexible work arrangement has been linked to improve organization commitment, motivation ad job satisfaction. So that as an organization it is very important to have a flexible working policy.


To get a further understanding of workplace flexibility please watch the following video.

                                                                                                                               (Business.com, 2021)


Business.com, (2021) Best Practices for Implementing Flexible Schedules, [online video] Available at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cztmZrOJcA0 [Accessed on 13.04.2023]

Gainey, T. & Clenney, B. (2006) Flextime and telecommuting: Examining individual perceptions. Southern Business Review, 32(1), 13-22.

Maxwell, G.,  Rankine, L., Bell, S., & MacVicar, A. (2007) The incidence and impact of FWAs in smaller businesses. Employee Relations, 29(2), 138-161.

Nadeem, S., & Henry, C. (2003) Power dynamics in the long-term development of employee-friendly flexible working. Women in Management Review, 18(1/2), 32-49.


  1. Employees are increasingly being offered the option to complete their work in a manner that fits their lifestyle and obligations, which is known as "workplace flexibility."
    In other words, it is the antithesis of the nine-to-five and a crucial component of the culture of any contemporary business.
    A flexible workplace is aware that each employee's circumstances will affect how and when they perform at their best. The quality of the task completed, not its completion within a specific time range or location, is what matters.

    Good work !

  2. Hi rangana,
    nicely organized your article. well done.!!! following detail also for you to any further moderation

    Flexibility at the workplace can have a significant impact on an organization's productivity. When employees are given more flexibility in their work schedules and arrangements, they are often more satisfied with their jobs, leading to higher levels of employee engagement and motivation.

    This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity as employees are more likely to go above and beyond in their work and contribute to the overall success of the organization. Additionally, flexibility can help to reduce employee turnover rates, which can be costly for organizations in terms of time and resources spent on recruitment and training.

    Flexibility can also help to improve work-life balance, which can lead to reduced stress levels among employees. When employees are less stressed, they are more focused and productive, leading to better overall performance. Furthermore, flexibility can also help to attract and retain top talent, as many employees value flexibility in their work arrangements.

  3. Good job. Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, flexible working arrangements have grown increasingly popular, and firms that provide this option may have a better chance of recruiting top people that value work-life balance and autonomy. Furthermore, flexible work arrangements can boost employee happiness and productivity, which benefits the organization's bottom line.


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